This Play2Earn Juggernaut Just Dropped A Comic Book

What do gamers, NFT collectors, and comic book fans have in common? In a word: Shrapnel. In case you’ve missed the buzz, let’s do a quick review. Shrapnel is set to be the world’s first blockchain-enabled moddable AAA first-person shooter game.…
Zebedee: How To Make Money with CS:GO

Once upon a time, there was a distant land known as the 1980s where crazy new contraptions called “video games” were all the rage. People would sit around for hours on end, maneuvering 2D characters through epic quests in pixelated worlds. The…
Why NFTs Are A Bubble

Over the past few years, Non-Fungible Tokens, aka NFTs, have become the latest blockchain craze. In true internet fashion, they’ve inspired plenty of different opinions. But before we get into that, let’s take a minute to go over exactly…
How crypto could revolutionize the music industry

By now, you’ve probably heard of NFTs, even if only in the context of celebrities spending stupid amounts of money on them. But there’s a lot more to them than just hype. NFT stands for “non-fungible token” and the…
How Upland Is Rebuilding the World as an NFT MetaVerse

Ever wished you could own property, try your hand at real estate, or build an NFT collection? If you answer “yep,” “why not?” or “hell yeah” to any of the above, then Upland could be your next blockchain-based addiction begging to…
Why Shrapnel Could Be The Call of Duty For Web3.0

The year is 2044 and all your dreams of a flowery utopian future have been effectively tanked by an asteroid that’s collided with the moon. Uh oh. As we all know, that kind of thing tends to have nasty…
How Metcalfe’s Law Can Make You Money in Crypto

If there’s one thing we can pretty much all agree on, it’s that crypto is not the most predictable investment. One day, things are going so well that your biggest worry seems to be narrowing down which color Lambo you’ll buy with…
This Quirky Crypto Now Owns A Subway

Ever since Blockchain technology made its debut in 2008, it’s given rise to plenty of delightfully weird and random ideas. One of the latest tales that could only have sprung from the fertile ground of cyberspace centers around a DAO that’s…
Why Binance Buying Forbes is Such A Big Deal

Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, is on the verge of taking a $200M stake in Forbes. Forbes is a US business economy magazine well known for listing world billionaires. The deal makes Binance one of the two top owners of…
Why The Avalanche Multiverse is Accelerating and Taking Over Web3.0

In case you’re unfamiliar, Avalanche is a blockchain platform that’s become Ethereum’s unofficial competitor. It’s sort of like Superman to Ethereum’s Batman. While Avalanche isn’t quite as mainstream as Ethereum yet, it’s insanely fast, has cheaper gas fees, and…