blockchain certification

Blockchain Certification- Ticket To A Future-Proof Career

As the global blockchain market is all set to generate a revenue of over $94 billion by 2027, it’s evident how this decentralized technology is gradually reshaping the worldwide economic prospect.

Blockchain business value is expected to hit a whopping $3.1 trillion by 2030, and blockchain-based systems will take over 10%-20% of the global economic infrastructure by then.

Now, what does all this data suggest?

Well, it all indicates that businesses and technologies are currently in sheer need of certified blockchain experts to streamline their operations. That’s where blockchain certification steps in as a solution to produce skilled professionals across the industry.

But how can being blockchain-certified create a dynamic career graph for an individual? Let’s find out the answer below.

What Is Blockchain Certification? Why Is It Important? 

Blockchain certification, at its core, validates an individual’s understanding of the complex infrastructure of blockchain applications and their implementations. 

A blockchain-certified person refers to someone with profound knowledge and skill in all aspects of this Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), including cryptocurrency, smart contract development, blockchain security, decentralized applications, and many more.

However, blockchain, being a relatively new concept, lacks adequate experts in this field to leverage its full potential.

On the other hand, businesses and enterprises are widely embracing this cutting-edge innovation to take the lead in the market.

Even governments across the globe are taking initiatives to boost blockchain-based platforms and services, as MarketsandMarkets suggests.

Therefore, the current economic landscape, which is heavily reliant on this decentralized peer-to-peer networking, is actively on the lookout for certified blockchain professionals to face the forthcoming challenges.

Given the situation, blockchain certification projects are in high demand to create a crew of trained blockchain specialists to stand out in the job market. 

Not only do these projects authenticate one’s expertise to potential employers but also advance the global economic prospect by taking care of blockchain security and integrity. 

No wonder the world is slowly walking towards a blockchain-based smart certification system for higher education.

Types of Blockchain Certification 

Upon conducting extensive research across the global market, we discovered a handful of blockchain certification types available. Here are the major certifications currently dominating the industry:

1. Certified Blockchain Developer

Being certified as a blockchain developer validates your expertise in developing blockchain-centric applications, distributed ledger systems, smart contract programming, etc. By focusing on programs like Ethereum, R3 Corda, Hyperledger, and IPFS– this certification covers the practical aspects of blockchain technology, resulting in producing expert individuals in the sector.

2. Certified Blockchain Expert 

Are you excited to learn how blockchain is used in different sectors of business and finance? You need to be a Certified Blockchain Expert then.

This program deals with the basics of blockchain; such as its principles, protocols, and impacts across diverse industries. 

From cryptography to consensus mechanisms; blockchain use cases to mining, you will get a grasp of everything here, either to offer your in-depth knowledge to blockchain-based platforms or create your own platform. 

3. Certified Blockchain Architect 

Blockchain Architects majorly deal with designing, developing, and applying blockchain-based solutions for growing business needs. If you are accredited as a blockchain architect, you are supposed to have extensive knowledge in blockchain architecture, network integrity, system design, and beyond.

4. Certified Smart Contract Auditor

With the evolving craze of blockchain in finance, the use of smart contracts is paramount these days. So, the skill of smart contract integration into businesses lets you stand out from the crowd easily.

If it’s about developing, auditing, or deploying smart contracts for businesses/ enterprises, this program is the foolproof solution to bring out the best in you.

5. Certified Blockchain Security Professional 

According to the World Economic Forum, the rise of blockchain economics will dominate most of the prominent industries like medical, supply chain, media, manufacturing, commercial, academic, and so on, contributing 18% of the global GDP by 2025.

However, this results in an endless necessity for blockchain security professionals, literally in every sector of business and economy.

Once you pass the CBSP exam under a certification program, you are accredited as a blockchain security expert to take charge of the following:

  • The basics of blockchain security
  • Safeguarding blockchain network
  • Advanced security mechanism
  • Smart contract management 
  • Risk analysis
  • Assessment of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities etc.

Benefits of Blockchain Certification Holders

Honestly speaking, blockchain technology is here to take over every economic sector on the planet, and therefore, blockchain certification is the future, both for employers and employees.

Firstly, blockchain-educated individuals can be equipped with the necessary skills and credentials to significantly contribute to the growth and adoption of this groundbreaking technology.

Employers, on the other hand, tremendously benefit from trusted blockchain experts to accelerate operational efficiency.

So, it’s a win-win situation for both parties.

However, here are the key reasons to seriously consider blockchain certification for staying ahead in the race-

  • Lucrative job offers for blockchain experts with a higher salary range than non-blockchain roles.
  • Lack of certified professionals comes with less competition and an increased chance of getting hired.
  • Opens doors to a plethora of career opportunities across diverse industries.
  • Certified blockchain specialists, with strong command over the technology, stay updated with the latest trends to reshape their future.
  • Employers/organizations can harness blockchain’s full potential by hiring skilled professionals, resulting in remarkable business growth.
benefits of blockchain certification

Top Career Options After Blockchain Certification 

Once you successfully complete your blockchain certification program, you can opt for the following career choices-

1. Blockchain Developer

Blockchain developers are some of the most demanded blockchain professionals these days. And with the growing adoption of blockchain networks worldwide, their appeal is ever-increasing.

In 2022, there were approximately 23000 monthly blockchain developers in the USA. By 2030, the number is expected to reach 1 million.

Talking of the salary, it varies between $150000- $175000 every year.

So, it goes without saying that honing your expertise to be a successful blockchain developer really pays off!

2. Blockchain Engineer

A blockchain framework is heavily dependent on its engineers who cater to all the technical difficulties within the network.

Being highly proficient in programs like Java, Python, Ripple, Solidity, Bitcoin, and Fabric- blockchain engineers are supposed to set up the entire company infrastructure.

They are, however, as demanded as blockchain developers with a similar annual salary range.

3. Blockchain Project Manager

Pretty similar to a regular project manager, a blockchain project manager is assigned to bridge the gap between developers and projects. Their role is to plan a project, brief the developers about its objectives, outline the details, supervise the progress, and ensure smooth execution alongside timely delivery.

Based on your expertise and industry, you can earn between $80000-$100000 as a blockchain project manager.  

4. Blockchain Web Designer

The primary job of a blockchain web designer is to create an exclusive User Interface (UI) for a website. 

To excel as a web designer in the blockchain landscape, you must have a strong command over Sketch, PS, Figma, etc. 

This is, however, a well-paying role, as companies are actively searching for blockchain designers to offer their clients a unique User Experience (UX).

If you search in Upwork, you will see how web designers are highly valued by clients and organizations throughout the global blockchain community.

5. Legal Consultant of Blockchain

Blockchain technology has just passed its infancy and started flourishing towards maturity. 

However, with wide acceptance throughout the world, it also comes with potential threats of fraudulence, particularly in the field of digital currency exchange.  

To avoid such financial mishaps, businesses/enterprises prefer seeking advice from certified blockchain experts who work as legal consultants.

The role requires you to study any legal partnership or contracts prior to signing, smart contracts for example, and inform your clients/organizations about its validity.

Furthermore, you can also work as a legal advisor for crypto investors, dealers, or organizations- solving complex legal issues related to blockchain or digital currencies. 

The salary range for a blockchain consultant, however, fluctuates between $70000-$179000 based on your experience and service type. 

6. Blockchain Architect

I know what you are thinking. And the answer is, no, blockchain engineers and blockchain architects are not the same.

While engineers focus on creating the primary infrastructure within the network, blockchain architects are trained to design high-level blockchain-based solutions.

As a certified professional in this sector, you are supposed to build several systems; digital assets, B2C crypto investing tools, financial operation systems, custody solutions, Web3 programs, etc. to name a few.

Aside from that, you are also responsible for making decisions associated with blockchain security, regulations, financial operations, and many more.

So, it’s crystal clear how blockchain architecture has created a highly sought-after role for individuals to fight the growing complexities in the technological realm. 

different career paths in blockchain certification

Aside from the given, blockchain certification also creates lots of other career options such as cryptocurrency analyst, blockchain product manager, quality engineer, marketing manager, business analyst, security engineer, and many more.

Blockchain Certification Course Recommendation 

There are a number of blockchain certification courses available over the internet. Some of them are free, while others are paid.

Here are some top blockchain certifications for you that are worth checking out. 

However, you should do your own research before enrolling in a course to find out whether it’s tailored to your expertise or not.

Talking of the blockchain certification cost, it varies between $250-$399 on average.

But, is a blockchain certificate worth it? 

Yes, it is! In fact, it works as an asset to elevate your career in the dynamic landscape of blockchain.

Final Words 

Blockchain nowadays, is far beyond a mere decentralized network, offering endless opportunities for skilled individuals.

If you are an aspiring blockchain professional, you should dip your toes deeper into blockchain certification for sustainable career growth.

The blockchain industry is still young and looking for a lot of trained professionals to fill the gap.

A well-recognized blockchain certificate doesn’t only approve your particular skill set but also gives you an edge over your competitors. 

So, don’t wait any longer, be a certified blockchain expert, and embrace a brighter tomorrow.

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Tamzid Ahmed
Tamzid Ahmed

A Blockchain specialist and SEO expert, crafting a digital impact. With over 800 blogs and collaborations with 100+ global clients, Tamzid continues to educate and inspire audiences worldwide on Blockchain and DeFi topics.

Articles: 49

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