How to Get into Fintech

How to Get Into Fintech? Crucial 7-Steps That Work! 

Forget Wall Street. The future of finance is sleek, innovative, and it might just fit in your pocket. Yep, we’re talking about Fintech, the revolutionary mashup of finance and technology that’s changing the game.  Intrigued? If you’re ready to ditch the dusty old banking system and dive into a world of opportunity, this guide is your launchpad to a thriving Fintech career.

A Few Key Fintech Stats to Check Out 

  • Fintech industry revenue is over $90.5 billion in 2017, expected to reach $917.17 billion by 2032.
  • Over 26,000 fintech businesses are in operation globally, more than double the number in 2019 (12,000).
  • About three quarter of all the millennials in the US use digital banking services.
  • Over 24% of people globally are aware of blockchain technology.
  • P2P lending market value is expected to reach $567.3 billion by 2026, from $43.16 billion in 2018.

(source: https://explodingtopics.com/blog/fintech-stats, https://tipalti.com/financial-operations-hub/fintech-statistics/

How to Get into Fintech –  7 Best Tips 

With all the resources available on the internet, getting into fintech is easier than ever before. Let’s look at some of the key tips that can help you get into fintech quick: 

1. Upgrade Your Fintech Skills 

The Fintech world runs on innovation, and that means having the right tools in your belt. Don’t worry, you don’t need to become a tech wizard overnight! 

Here’s a breakdown of some key Fintech skills that will make you a highly sought-after candidate:

  • Coding: Upgrade your coding skills in languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript. These are the building blocks for many Fintech applications.
  • Data analytics: Skills in data analytics and data mining is essential for fintech. Turning raw data into actionable insights is a superpower in Fintech.
  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is paramount in protecting sensitive financial data. Brushing up on security best practices will make you a valuable asset.
  • AI & Machine Learning: These cutting-edge technologies are transforming Fintech. Familiarity with AI and machine learning will put you ahead of the curve.

Here is a list of 300+ free fintech courses you can join right now

If you want to go for a more professional route, you can try these bachelor options in fintech too!  

Remember, the specific skills you need will depend on your chosen Fintech niche. But don’t be afraid to explore – the more skills you have in your arsenal, the more doors you’ll open!

2. Build a Resume that Stands Out 

A killer resume is your golden ticket to landing your dream fintech job. But forget the same old boring format – Fintech is all about breaking the mold, and your resume should reflect that! 

Here’s how to build a stunning resume that will grab the attention of hiring managers, considering Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and the specific needs of the Fintech industry:

  1. Choose a Modern, Clean Template: Ditch the fancy graphics and stick to a clean, professional template that allows your skills and experience to shine. Opt for easy-to-read fonts and ample white space for a visually appealing layout.
  2. Tailor It for Every Job:  A one-size-fits-all resume won’t do in Fintech. Take the time to tailor your resume for each specific job you apply for.  Highlight the skills and experience most relevant to the position, using keywords from the job description throughout your resume.
  3. Craft a Compelling Summary:  A strong summary statement is your elevator pitch to the hiring manager. Briefly introduce yourself, highlight your key Fintech skills, and showcase your passion for the industry.
  4. Showcase Achievements, Not Just Duties: Don’t just list your job duties – showcase your accomplishments! Use strong action verbs and quantifiable metrics to demonstrate the impact you made in previous roles. Instead of saying “Handled customer service inquiries,” you could write “Resolved 95% of customer inquiries on the first contact, improving customer satisfaction scores by 20%.”
  5. Highlight Relevant Skills:  Fintech companies value innovation and a go-getter mentality. Highlight any entrepreneurial experience you have in previous or current roles. Did you spearhead a new project, or launch a successful side hustle?  Showcasing your entrepreneurial spirit demonstrates your worth and ability to thrive in a dynamic environment.
  6. ATS Optimization: Companies right now are using ATS to scan resumes and filter out the ones that don’t contain keywords relevant to the role.  While sprinkling relevant terms from the job description throughout your resume can help you pass this initial screening, prioritize readability. Your resume should still flow naturally for human reviewers – after all, they’ll be making the final hiring decision!

Bonus Tip:  Consider including a link to your professional online portfolio or a relevant side project that showcases your skills and creativity.

Your resume is a marketing document for your brand – YOU!  Following these tips and injecting your unique personality, you can craft a stunning fintech resume that gets noticed by both ATS and human reviewers, and lands you that dream job.

3. Do Extensive Research 

The world of Fintech is vast and ever-evolving, so before you jump in, take some time to explore!  Think of it like picking your favorite superhero – you gotta understand their powers before you can join the fight. Research different Fintech companies and niches that pique your interest.  

  • What problems are they tackling? 
  • How are they using technology to disrupt the status quo?  

Understanding the landscape will not only help you identify your ideal career path, but also impress potential employers with your knowledge and passion for the industry.  

Think of it as your Fintech cheat sheet – the more you know, the more unstoppable you’ll be.

4. Connect with Fintech Professionals

Seek out professionals in the industry – attend conferences, join online communities, or even reach out directly on LinkedIn. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, express your interest, and learn from their experiences.  

Remember, most people are happy to help a curious and motivated mind. These connections can become mentors, future colleagues, or even open doors to exciting opportunities you never knew existed. 

5. Level Up with a Fintech Internship

The world of Fintech is all about gaining real-world experience. That’s where internships come in – they’re your chance to test the waters, gain valuable skills, and build your network within the industry. Here’s why Fintech internships are a must-do:

  • Get Your Hands Dirty: Internships are your launchpad to practical experience. You’ll work on real projects, learn from industry professionals, and gain a deeper understanding of how Fintech functions day-to-day.
  • Skill Up for Success: Internships are a fantastic way to hone your fintech skillset. From data analysis to coding, you’ll gain practical experience that will make you a more competitive candidate upon graduation.
  • Network Like a Pro: Internships connect you with valuable mentors and colleagues who can open doors to future opportunities. Build relationships, learn from their experiences, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Finding Your Perfect Internship:

  • Start Your Search Early: Don’t wait until the last minute! Research fintech companies and target your applications well in advance of internship deadlines.
  • Use Your Existing Network: Talk to professors, career advisors, or even reach out to professionals on LinkedIn to find internship opportunities.

An internship is a two-way street. Not only are you gaining experience, but you’re also making a positive impression on the company. 

Be professional, show initiative, and leave a lasting impression. 

A successful internship can pave the way for future job opportunities and propel your career forward!

6. Stay Ahead of the Curve

To stay relevant and competitive, you need to be a lifelong learner. Here’s how to make continuous learning a habit and stay on top of the latest Fintech trends:

What to Keep Your Eye On:

  • Emerging Technologies: Stay informed about developments in areas like embedded finance, data analytics, AI, machine learning, data science, and cybersecurity. These advancements are constantly evolving and shaping the future of Fintech.
  • Hot Fintech Trends: Be aware of the latest buzz in the industry. Here are some trending topics to keep on your radar:
    • The rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms.
    • Blockchain and cryptocurrency integration into traditional finance.
    • The increasing popularity of digital wallets and contactless payments.
    • The growing focus on sustainability and green fintech solutions.
    • Regulatory changes within the fintech space.

7. Volunteer for Fintech Events 

Volunteering at Fintech events is a fantastic way to gain valuable experience, build your network, and demonstrate your passion for the industry. It’s a win-win situation! 

Here are  37 fintech events happening in 2024. Find one near your locale and give it a shot! 

While volunteering at Fintech events is ideal, don’t limit yourself! 

Offer your skills to a local charity that uses Fintech solutions or consider volunteering at a virtual tech conference to gain broader industry exposure.  

Remember, every little experience adds value to your journey.

Always look for volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and skills. 

This will not only make the experience more enjoyable, but also allow you to showcase your strengths to potential employers and colleagues within the Fintech space.

Time to Put the Words into Action…

Well, I’ve laid out the map for you. The journey is yours. The information available here in this blog and other places online will provide you with enough information to start your career in fintech.

Still confused? Not sure what to do next?  Head over to the subreddit r/Fintech. Here, you’ll find experts who can answer your questions directly.

You can even connect with them and get personalized advice.

The future of finance is bright, and with your drive and dedication, you can be a part of shaping it.

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Tamzid Ahmed
Tamzid Ahmed

A Blockchain specialist and SEO expert, crafting a digital impact. With over 800 blogs and collaborations with 100+ global clients, Tamzid continues to educate and inspire audiences worldwide on Blockchain and DeFi topics.

Articles: 49

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